It's been a while since I've posted - I'm trying not to get too far behind but time flies. It's all still happening out at the house - Paul's dad is still here but is going home on the weekend. A sneak preview of what they've been up to, with proper photos to come after the weekend...

The boys and I have been going out there on and off to both help and hinder. I'm informed that when we leave Paul and his dad find that tools have mysteriously disappeared, glue containers have been emptied out, and numerous nails have been hammered into pieces of wood. Not to mention the drawing of 'daddy' we found on the floor in one of the bedrooms (carpet will cover it fortunately). Paul and Deda do seem to enjoy the ice-creams we often take out to them however...

Finally, we thought it would stop with Jacob but it appears to run in the family. Isaac has now also become obsessed with lining up his toy cars - and yes, they also must all face the same way...