The Cobar Show was 2 weekends ago and a lot of fun. The boys enjoyed everything, especially the dodgems, fireworks and chooks. Paul went on the dodgems EIGHT times, partly because he loves them and partly because you are not allowed on them at 35 weeks pregnant, so Paul had to take each of the boys (more then once of course!). Isaac surprisingly wanted to go on the ponies and he loved it enough that Jacob was brave enough to go on one after he watched Isaac. Jacob is now walking around saying he wants a dog "this big" and a horse "this big" (he motions biggish dog and small horse). A couple of the photos are below, which aren't great but you get the idea...

It seems lately as though the boys are competing to see who can be the most helpful. They are now helping with numerous household chores which mum is loving and which will be very useful when the new baby arrives. The following photo is the most recent job they have learnt to help with (we have to work on the folding though)...