I'll post about the trip in parts, as there were many aspects to it. On the way down we stayed in Dubbo for one night with the wonderful Clarke family and then continued to Sydney the next day. That day was one that will forever be etched into Jacobs memory as the day one of his lifelong dreams came true: we did a couple of laps of a V8 Supercar Race Track. Those of you who know my children will understand that there was no way we could pass through Bathurst without taking time to do a couple of runs on the Mt Panorama race track. This was the week before the Big Race was on. Jacob and Jeremy were of course beside themselves that they were on an actual V8 Supercar track and Jacob kept asking me, totally seriously, if he could drive. Isaac, unfortunately for him, slept through the whole thing. I didn't wake him up because as is usually the case he fell asleep 10 minutes prior to arriving in Bathurst.
As we were driving away Jacob repeatedly stated that he was going to be a V8 Supercar driver when he grew up, and he was certain that Daddy would want to be one too.
We couldn't of course leave without getting a photo or two...