Friday, 30 January 2009

Busy, busy, busy.

No time to post lately, we've been far too busy building for anything else! Life should get back to normal next week when PVT is back at work, but for now here's what's been going on...

Friday, 9 January 2009

We love Uncle Steve

Jacob and Jeremy spent an extra week in Canberra after the rest of us came home.

The grandparents suggested it a while ago, to give us some extra time to build the house (I think they are keener then we are for us to move in!). The idea took a little getting used to for me - the boys are after all only 5 and 4, and they still need their mummy. Hopefully when they are 25 and 24 they'll still need their mummy. Paul was keen on the idea from the start - not that he wouldn't miss them, but as he has the ability to think removed from his emotions, he saw straight away how good it would be for them, and for him to be able to work on the house without being distracted every 10 minutes to help them make mud bricks, or bang in some nails, or build them a car out of scrap wood (now you can understand why the house is taking so long to build!!).

So anyway, the boys stayed an extra week and we came home. We didn't really get that much extra done on the house, but we did manage to have some nice quality time with Isaac, who was totally lost without his brothers. He'd wander around the house a bit, get the lego out, build a few things, put the lego away, *sigh*. He was happy when they came home.

And the boys had a great time in Canberra. They were taken here, there and everywhere by their grandparents and aunts, got to play with their mummy's and aunty's old lego, and played on Uncle Steve's Wii. They LOVE Uncle Steve. But then he's so much fun...

Who wouldn't love Uncle Steve??!!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Who stole 2008???

I have to apologise for not sending out Christmas Cards this year. I usually do enjoy sending out a yearly update of our family, but 2008 just seemed to slip away. Paul's theory is that the older you get, the faster the years seem to go because they are a smaller proportion of your life. So when you are one, it's a long time between birthdays because one year is 100% of your life, right?? Stay with me here. But when you are, say, 30, then 1 year is 3% of your life, if I did my maths correctly, so it goes really fast. Are you with me? It sounds good anyway.

2008 at a glance:

  • Caleb arrived 25th May, our fourth boy. Praise God for another healthy happy baby boy.
  • The house progressed a fair bit, with the internal WALLS going up, woo hoo!!, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • A nice family wedding in April with Paul's sister getting married, where we got to catch up with some family and friends.
  • A nice 'calmer' year of the Youth Group and Awana Kids Club including a great trip to Lake Burrendong in November.
  • Jacob began Little Atheletics in October. After a few initial hiccups he really enjoyed the last session before Christmas - restarts February.

2009 at a glance (so far):

  • hopefully we'll move into our house within a month or two (February is the current estimate, yes - February 2009!)
  • Jacob and Jeremy are currently doing swimming lessons
  • Jacob will officially start home schooling
  • Jeremy will also start home schooling, unofficially, as he is keener then Jacob!

We had a really nice Christmas and a quiet New Year - J&J stayed in Canberra an extra 5 days by themselves. The Grandparents are now recovering, and I's is delighted to have them home.

And finally, just in case you were wondering, yes Caleb at seven months is still so cute...