Wednesday, 29 September 2010


First update in months - a couple of recent pics incase you've forgotten what the boys look like:

Caleb and 'Jo-Jo' whom we found and took to a wildlife carer, much to Jacob's disgust.

Typical winter backyard campfire.

Caleb turned 2.

The boys and Dad made a bird feeder pulley thing. Too bad the birds won't go near it.

I'll be back soon.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The runner-up prize

Yesterday we attended the final Little Athletics evening for the season, which was followed by the presentations. Our two little athletics were ecstatic (almost as ecstatic as mum and dad) to each take home an award:

Jeremy was awarded second place in his Under 6 boys group. Notice his ecstatic expression. He gets that from his father. He has been really enjoying Little A's and trying hard every week, so it was great to see his efforts rewarded. Isaac, who has been in the Tiny Tots group, received a medal. When he prayed that night before going to bed he prayed "and thank you for my steel...". After some head-scratching and puzzling it out, we realised that he had thought we were saying 'metal' and as his entire life has been one big house-building experience, in his four year old head he had received some steel!

Jacob hasn't been doing Little Athletics this season, but by the end of the night he had a different sort of trophy. First please note the following 'before' photo. He has recently lost his top two front teeth, the badge of honour for an almost-seven-year-old. This was taken about two days prior to the 'incident'.

This next photo was taken the morning after the Little A's presentation:

Jacob's 'trophy' was five stitches to the back of his head, after falling over and cutting his head. We have no idea how this happened and all he can tell us is he hit it on the concrete when he fell over. We couldn't tell exactly what he'd done because of the blood-matted hair, but after putting him in the shower to wash it off a bit it became apparent that a trip to the hospital would indeed be necessary. He was very brave and only cried during the administration of the anasthetic, at which i would have been screaming alot louder then he was. He was more concerned at how silly he thought he looked with his head all bandaged up, and if he'd still be able to show dad his latest recorder tunes. Needless to say this morning he proved he was fine by getting straight back into teasing his brothers.

Well that's the latest from our corner of the world. Tune in next week for the second episode in our Stitches mini-series, "The Removal".

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Why is it...

so hard

to get four pairs of eyes

looking in roughly the same direction

at once???

Aaaahhh, there they are!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Must be a boy thing

The boys have never been ones for dress ups. At two, if you even showed Jacob some kind of mask, cloak or other dress up, he'd run screaming in the opposite direction, and his brothers seemed to be going the same way. Until now. Our trip to the Wall Memorial on New Years Day changed all that. Must be something about the big ships, aeroplanes, helicopters and canons. Whatever it was, they couldn't get enough of the dress ups...

Lest we forget.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

2010 Update

Welcome to 2010. Ten years since the millenium, and so much has happened since then.

Ten years ago I:

was not married
had no children
lived in Canberra
was 21 years old *sigh*
had a reasonable social life
had no idea what a babycino was
spent hours on the phone most nights talking to my husband-to-be (those who held Telstra shares back then would have loved us)
had been a Christian for 4 years
was attending an independent Bible believing church and helping out in some areas
worked in a Government Department (I lived in Canberra remember!)

Now, Ten Years Later I:

have been married for 9 years 11 months
have four children
live in a small town
live in our newly built own home
am 31 years old *gulp*
my social life consists of letting the kids stay up late and playing lego
know that babycino's allow you to have 15 minutes piece and quiet to talk with a friend (especially when they come with marshmallows on the side)
still boost Telstra's profits as my closest friends have come and gone and live a long long way away
have been a Christian 14 years
attend a Baptist Church being very involved
work as a wife and mother being paid with sloppy kisses and little arm hugs.

Would I change a thing???
