Thursday, 14 January 2010

2010 Update

Welcome to 2010. Ten years since the millenium, and so much has happened since then.

Ten years ago I:

was not married
had no children
lived in Canberra
was 21 years old *sigh*
had a reasonable social life
had no idea what a babycino was
spent hours on the phone most nights talking to my husband-to-be (those who held Telstra shares back then would have loved us)
had been a Christian for 4 years
was attending an independent Bible believing church and helping out in some areas
worked in a Government Department (I lived in Canberra remember!)

Now, Ten Years Later I:

have been married for 9 years 11 months
have four children
live in a small town
live in our newly built own home
am 31 years old *gulp*
my social life consists of letting the kids stay up late and playing lego
know that babycino's allow you to have 15 minutes piece and quiet to talk with a friend (especially when they come with marshmallows on the side)
still boost Telstra's profits as my closest friends have come and gone and live a long long way away
have been a Christian 14 years
attend a Baptist Church being very involved
work as a wife and mother being paid with sloppy kisses and little arm hugs.

Would I change a thing???
