Christmas has descended upon the Theakston household - today we put up our Christmas tree and decorations. We went out to our block yesterday to select a suitable tree and got sidetracked collecting tadpoles. Alas no photos were taken of Paul and Sarah wading through the thick mud scooping up the unsuspecting creatures. The boys are delighted with their new 'pets' which are currently settled in the farthest corner of the yard - lets see how long they last before they are taken back to where they came from! And lets see how delighted the boys actually are when and if they do make it to the frog stage!! I'll keep you posted.We also had attempt number one at the Christmas photo shoot today. Attempt number two will take place in the near future. Today, despite being bribed with smarties, Isaac was not playing. You can tell from Jacob's smile that HE was keen for the smarties!

1 comment:
Wow!!! Great photos of Jacob at least!!! and how cool you might have frogs soon... oh to have been a fly on a tree while you were wading in the water catching the little suckers LOL!
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