The boys are constantly asking where Caleb is (usual reply: in bed asleep). They are constantly in his face when he is awake - they are literally smothering him with love. I wonder if they'll feel the same way when he is crawling around and getting into their things!

We had a nice short but sweet visit from Aunty Ninny and Mr. Jake on the long weekend. The boys loved having them and were most disappointed to wake up and find they had gone (they had to leave early in the morning). Isaac pointed at the mattress Aunty Ninny had slept on and asked "where him gone?".

We are getting some rain here - I think most places are at the moment - and the boys are enjoying the wet weather and have a new dimension of play with the leaves that have blown down on the back patio - I can feel an autumn scrap layout coming :) The plumber (whom we've been waiting about 6 weeks for) is meant to be out working on the house today, so we should start seeing some progress again! Jacob is keen to move into the house and so has been very diligent in helping Paul with doing jobs at the house, such as digging trenches. There's nothing like a session of digging with dad to help little boys build character!!

awww such sweet photos! What an adorable bub Caleb is! :)
Poor little muppet with the sniffles :( Jacob is looking so big!! I'm looking forward to that Autumn layout so what's taking you so long?? LOL!
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