1. Wingnut. That’s his nickname, because his ears stick out just a little. When he grows a bit more hair we’ll probably have to rethink the name.
2. Cay. That’s what the boys call him. Jacob and Jeremy call Isaac, “I”. So now we have an I, two J’s, and a K.
3. He’s a stickybeak. He has to be in on all the action, and forget feeding him with other things going on in the room, because it ain’t gonna happen.
4. He stares at things, particularly Paul. Then he breaks out into a huge grin when Paul looks at him.
5. He grabs at things. When he manages to grab it hard enough to grasp it, he of course brings it straight to his mouth for a drool session.
6. If he can’t grab something, he bangs on it. Thumps it with his hand.
7. He’s just starting to get noisy. He was a very quiet baby until recently. We referred to him as a mime a few times, because he’d open his mouth wide to laugh but no sound would come out. Maybe we just couldn’t hear him over the three other muppets. But he’s discovering his voice and how much fun it is to add it to the commotion already happening around him.
8. He loves his dummy. He grabs it himself and shoves it in his mouth. He’s so clever. :D
9. He loves the jolly jumper, and he still loves his bouncer which he bounces himself by kicking his legs.
10. He’s just started solids and screws his face up each time the food gets into his mouth.
11. He can be a real cranky bear when he wants to be. And he still has the newborn 'woe is me' cry - complete with poochy lip just to make sure he gets his point across.
12. He can roll over a few different ways, but mostly from his back to his tummy. He doesn't bother to roll any other way because his brothers will do it all for him.
Happy half birthday Cay Cay!!