He was SO excited to be turning four, the boys had been counting down dark sleeps from about 20 dark sleeps to go. On the morning of his birthday he said "Mummy, am I four NOW? .... Good, because I feel four."
We had a nice relaxing day, then had the requested Pizza (homemade) for dinner, followed by 'clock' cake, which of course pointed to Four O'Clock. Caleb might need some instructions in cake etiquette....
It's amazing how they just know how to do that!!??
On a different topic, we've been spending every Monday afternoon down at the oval, with Jeremy and Isaac doing Little A's this season. (Why must it be held over Summer, why why???). They are both loving Little Athletics and are so enthusiastic....
I realise the above photo of the high jump is blurry, but that's what happens when daddy is trying to take a photo and Caleb is trying to get the camera at the same time.
I just love this photo of Isaac, ready to run... We had a discussion previously about being ready to race, instead of looking up at the clouds, fiddling with your shoes, etc. The next discussion will be on focussing on the finishing line instead of looking around at all the other runners or slowing down to wave to mummy. :)
Hebrews 12:1
Happy Birthday Isaac! Love the clock cake and what a cute thing to say LOL! I L.O.V.E. the photos of the boys at L.A's especially Jeremy's "watch me do it daddy" one. TOO CUTE!
Wow, 4 years old already. Time certainly flies.
Looks like they are having a lot of fun :-).
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