He came up to me a short time later and while offering the tupperware container asked me "Do you want to pat my baby snake?"
A bit taken back but very curious now I asked if it would bite me, to which he replied "No, it's asleep". Very cautiously I prised the lid off the tupperware (at least whatever was in there would still be fresh) and to my delight discovered a length of cord - an old drawstring from the waist of boys shorts!!
Don't you just love the imaginative play of a 3 year old! He carried around the tupperware container for quite a while, checking on his baby snake occasionally. Later that afternoon he accidently left it on the Church Bus - we better get it back before it bites someone!!
Hmm, that reminds me - I'd better check to see if I got my tupperware back?!

What a cutie Sarah, glad you've recorded it!
cute! they have such good imaginations!
oh dear - you are so game to have opened the container! My snake phobia would have got in the way of that...... BUT very cute and imaginative!
Glad I found your Blog Sarah - via Carol's..... Look forward to seeing your news.....
See you at Louth!
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