A beautiful warm day outside - perfect for a tea party. We went outside with a picnic rug and the boys had great fun pouring cups of 'tea' (apple juice) and eating the snacks off their little plates. It's a beautiful day, warm but a bit windy, making me think thoughts of spring cleaning.
The other day the boys were playing with some wooden blocks and Jacob made a little square and said "this is your vegie garden mummy". He held up small blocks and put them inside the garden: "this is your brocolli, this is your cucumber, and this is your garlic bread."
A photo of our tea party:

looks like fun :)...the grass even looks green out there at the moment! The garlic bread comment is very cute :)
Sarah, they are so cute and tell Jacob i'd like a vegie garden just like that in my yard when he's finished with yours please *wink*
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