Okay, really, I'm going to share a few of my tips here of how I look after 4 small boys and keep my sanity. There's nothing super about any of these tips, it's just what works for us, and no doubt these will change and evolve in the future anyway. Here we go:
Tip #1 I stay home. DH and I agreed from day one that when we had kids, i'd stay home to look after them. For me this means I can just enjoy being with my kids. I see everything they do, love to watch them grow, and so this of course means that most of their bad habits are learnt from me. It also helps to have the best DH in the whole world who is a great father and supportive husband.
Tip #2 I keep a sense of humour. I love the saying 'don't sweat the petty things'. Spilt
Tip #3 I don't under-estimate the ability of my kids. Kids LOVE to help around the house when they are young, so let them, and teach them. A 2 year old can help mummy dust, match socks together, help load the washing machine, set the table etc. It doesn't have to be perfect!
Tip #4 If you have to go somewhere, getting them out of the house is the first step. Mothers with a few small children will totally understand this one. If you have to go out, the time it takes to put on 4 pairs of shoes, clean 4 faces, ensure 4 small bodies are adequately dressed, get your nappy bag/water bottles/snacks/car keys/wallet, etc, together and get them all INTO the car (before #3 wets his pants) makes you wonder if you really need to go out. I learnt after boy#3 that if I just get them out the door into the back yard 5 or 10 minutes before we have to leave, it makes the actual leaving much easier, and means I can spend that 5 or 10 minutes getting myself organised. BUT don't forget to give them strict instructions to NOT go into the sandpit or near any water!!
Tip #5 Keep it simple. I'm not into complicated. In fact, i'm into simple. VERY simple. Forget designer sneakers or boots with tie up laces. Forget overalls that they can't undo themselves. Think gum boots, think thongs (as in shoes), think velcro. Snaps are better then buttons. Elastic waist shorts with no buttons or snaps are better. A 2 year old can learn quite quickly to put on gum boots. But it doesn't match his outfit I hear you say? He's 2. I don't think he cares.
Tip #6 To save on dressing time, I usually lay my kids' clothes out for them to put on. I often make 'undie' men. Stay with me on this one - lay out their pants, then shirt above the pants like a person, then put their undies as the 'head'. The leg holes look like eyes if you lay them flat. Trust me, it makes a dull job interesting. The boys dress themselves from the pile of clothes, or from the undie men, and then come to me for any help they need (#3 can't quite pull his shirt over his head). #3 may have also attended church a few times with his shorts backwards, but hey, I don't think God cares. *Warning* Undie men may frighten very small boys, and then you'll have to show them that it's not real, it's just their undies pretending to be a head.
Tip#7 If you keep their hair pretty short you can just about get away without brushing it until they are old enough to do it themselves. (Did I just admit to that?!) It also makes washing hair a very easy job.
Tip #8 Learn to read the signs. If you send the kids outside to play before they start jumping on the furniture and running up and down the hallway, your house will stay cleaner and you will stay saner.
Tip #9 Spend time playing with them. What's more important - a clean kitchen or content kids? Well I guess it depends on who's coming over! But seriously, if you spend time doing things with your kids, they'll play much better by themselves which will allow you time to clean that kitchen. Besides, it's fun. What would you rather be doing, building a Lego Air Traffic Control Tower or washing dishes??
Tip #10 Don't underestimate the power of the playpen. Playpen means sanity. Playpen means baby is safe while you shower/clean or play lego. Playpen means that baby/toddler learns to play by themselves, instead of always being entertained by older siblings. Playpen breeds concentration and focusing skills. All my kids love/ed the playpen. It didn't stifle their creativity. Repeat after me "the playpen is my friend". When they outgrow the playpen, move to 'room time'. Individual play, time to themselves, is important for kids. They'll play a lot better with their siblings if they have time to play by themselves.
Tip #11 Rest time is a good time. Don't feel guilty about feeling happy when you put all your small boys to bed and you have some 'me' time. I love putting my baby to bed, but I also love it when he wakes up - and he's so happy when he's well rested. All my boys have a rest time - older kids can read quietly on their beds. Rest time is good.
Tip #12 Finally, my last tip for tonight (I need my rest time too) is probably the most important. To stay sane whilst looking after my four boys, I love their dad. Work on your marriage relationship. Honour, respect and love your husband like the Bible calls us to, and it's much more likely that he'll love you and support you as you need him to. The benefits are endless for this one, for every member of the family.
That's it for tonight. No doubt I'll think of more, better tips later. But for now, it's good night from me, and good night from them...
(yep, that's A. BREAD. ROLL. they're having for lunch. Hey, they're wholemeal. And they had an apple afterwards. Repeat after me: Keep It Simple.)
some great tips Sarah! I don't think you need to have 4+ kids to wonder how you do it all. When my 3rd was born I had one in Kinder and that was a challenge in itself to stay sane enough to get him on the bus. Playpens are brilliant! So is nap time! Mine all napped until just before they started school!
It is a matter of finding what works for your family and sticking to it!! :) :)
Oh i love your tips Sarah - love your whole blog!!!! And we keep it VERY simple around here too in terms of meals (as much as we can with the low salicylate/lactose free/preservative free stuff!) lol :) and in terms of dress, shoes, etc too. One of my boys had his pants on backwards at church this past sunday but no one cared. He was just proud that he had dressed himeself ;)
Love your tips mate!
Lus x
Love this one Sarah, definitely one too pass on!
This was great Sarah! Thanks for being honest and passing on helpful tips! Not having kids I do often wonder how you do it?!
Blessings to you and your family
Tammi (tambear)
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