Friday, 27 February 2009

Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

What makes a boy do 'boy things'?

I'm currently reading a book about boys (James Dobson, Bringing Up Boys) and although I'm only in the second chapter it's already made me think about, well, boys.

In particular, it made me think about all the boy things that my boys do, or have done. Of course I'm a very generous person so let me share the things that my boys do or seem to think that make them *boys*:

  • every moveable object is a projectile

  • chooks 'enjoy' going down the slide

  • playdough is edible

  • dirty is a better state to be in then clean

  • playing with cars always ends up as 'demolition derby'

  • playing with dirt is good, lying in dirt while playing is better

  • 'clothes' should be an option rather then a necessity

  • every stick is a gun, or a club
  • every item above knee height is a platform to leap from
  • Daddy knows everything, especially more then Mummy

  • Daddy is Superman

  • Quiet? what's that?

  • Sleep? what?

  • any physical boundary, such as a fence, is a climbing frame

  • anyone lying on the floor wants to wrestle

  • any body of water is fair game, including puddles, dog bowls and guinea pig water droppers

  • skin is better then paper for drawing

  • brothers make soft landings


lusi said...

YES YES YES!!!! My boys (and actually my daughter to a certain degree) are like your boys! Fanging it down the backyard hill on bikes/scooters/anything that moves, wrestling like lion cubs or magnets that have stuck together and can not come apart, digging in the dirt for hours on end, collecting bugs/anything that moves....where we would be without our boys? Our lives are muddier but happier for them just as the good Lord created them!
Love to you and really enjoyed really all your blog shares mate!
Lus x

Jasmine said...

Oh yes - SOOOO TRUE!!! That's a great book to read too Sarah. I read it a while ago, I should pick it up again as I'm sure I will get something out of it no matter how many times I read it.

Jas xx

Carolina said...

Love it Sarah, but you forgot to mention ONE shoe is better than two if my memory of your boys serves me right LOL!